
Hi Guys,
A friend of mine, Giliane Fenech is helping to organise a proper clean up team on the 12th and 13th of Sept. We will be heading to Bormla and helping in an overall cleanup of certain areas within the little town.
It will be a nice little weekend out so if you'd like to join in, don't come alone, bring your friends and their friends and have a grand spanking time while doing some good for the little community.
12th and 13th Sept.
Meeting in front of Bormla Church at 7.30 am
All tools and equipment will be provided, so just bring some water/snacks. We can all go for breaks at the local bars to have a bevy or two as well.
If you can make it on Sat 12th please contact me. If you can only make it on Sun 13th please contact Giliane as I will not be able to attend that day.
Contact Details;
Mark Gladwish - gladwish.mark@gmail.com or on Facebook.
Giliane Fenech - giliane2001@msn.com (email her for her number if interested)
Hope to hear from you soon my friends!
Mark Gladwish
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